Brady, born 2001
Brady was born a healthy 7lb 4oz bouncing boy. He went into cardiogenic shock at 36 hours when his PDA began to close. We were sent from Orange City, IA to Sioux Falls, SD when he was diagnosis with HLHS after indomethacin was started.
Brady had his Norwood at Mott Children’s in Ann Arbor, MI at five days old. We flew home at nine days. He had his Hemi-Fontan at 5 months because of being such a chunk and outgrowing his BT shunt on 9/3/2001. After his first cardiac catheterization, Brady had his fenestrated Fontan in September of 2002.
Brady struggled with multiple respiratory infections the first 3 years of life, but thrived and excelled keeping up with his three older siblings. Brady was life flighted with RSV in January of 2002. Brady never had issues with falling behind developmentally. In 2008, Brady was diagnosed with ADHD. In spring of 2014, he was diagnosed with OCD, ODD, and anxiety disorder.
June of 2014, Brady had his third cardiac cath. This revealed multiple collateral vessels had grown causing issues. He was also diagnosed with asthma and early liver cirrhosis during this hospital stay. Brady is a brilliant busy body that enjoys every minute of life.
Story by Brady's mom, Ellen - Iowa