Keegan, born 2000
Keegan was born on February 12, 2000. The pregnancy was great with no complications. After he was born, the nurse noticed that he was blue. They took him back and later returned with some disturbing news. They were calling in the pediatrician because his O2 sats would not come up. Soon, the pediatric cardiologist was called and my son was on his way to another hospital that had a level two nursery.
The next day we were given a diagnosis of Double Outlet Right Ventricle, Hypoplastic Left Ventricle, Pulmonary Stenosis, L-Transposition of the Great Arteries, Mitral Atresia, ASD and a VSD. He had his first surgery when he was 10 days old at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. He had a shunt put in and they tried to widen his pulmonary artery. He came home 4 days later.
Keegan had his Hemi-Fontan when he was 8 months old at the University of Michigan. Again, he did great and was home in record time. His Fontan was done when he was 21 months old, also by Dr. Bove. There were no complications, but this surgery by far was the hardest surgery on mom!
We used to travel to Little Hearts Annual picnic for several years when Keegan was a toddler. Hello to my Little Hearts friends from years ago!
We just celebrated his 11th birthday and he is a normal boy in the 5th grade. He is full of personality, smart and cute as a button! He played baseball last year and LOVES the Cincinnati Reds. He was granted his wish through the Make-A-Wish Foundation in October 2009. He got to participate in batting practice with the Red’s, hang out in the clubhouse and lots of other fun stuff. It was a wonderful weekend that he’ll never forget! He visits the cardiologist on a regular basis and we’ve always been given a great report. We are blessed!
Story by Keegan’s mom, Jami - OHIO