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Kevin, born 1979

I was born with Truncus Arteriosus and was only diagnosed at 11 months. Doctors at the time of my birth did not pick anything up and I was initially treated for pneumonia. Being diagnosed so late I was never operated on and my mother was told that I would not live beyond my teens. I had regular appointments with my cardiologist growing up and although I was limited to not doing a lot of physical activities I grew up like any other normal child. I am 34, never had an operation but I have had a few hospital stays recently because my condition is deteriorating.


I am writing my story to offer hope, hope that we should place with God. He has brought me this far and I place my faith in Him. I am on chronic medication to treat my pulmonary hypertension and still feel great and am living a normal life. I work in a normal office job, am married and looking forward to starting a family. Nothing in life is bigger than the power God has. God bless you all and my prayer goes out to all these little hearts who made me happy today.


Story by Kevin, CHD Survivor – South Africa

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