Liam, born 2004
Our story began on September 2, 2003. I went in for an ultrasound to find out if I was having a boy or a girl. I found out that I was having a boy and was so happy he looked so healthy and was just kicking around. But, they were looking at his heart for a long time and later told me that they thought he had Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. I had to go and haver several ultrasounds and they confirmed that he did have HLHS.
I was devastated. I have never heard of this before and it seemed like there was no hope for my son until I talked to the doctors at Children's Hospital in Seattle.
Liam was born December 29, 2004 at 6lbs 60z and had his surgery surgery on January 7th. Everything went well. He had his second surgery May 2, 2005 and that surgery went very well also. He is now two years old and just about ready to have his third surgery. He is a very happy baby and loves talking and playing. He makes everyone him smile. He is a little miracle.
Story by Liam's mom, Cindy - WASHINGTON