Tony, born 2007
Tony had a second open heart surgery in July 2017 to correct narrowing in his pulmonary artery. The surgery was successful although we did have a setback a few weeks after the surgery. Tony had a low grade fever and after going back and forth with his cardiologist and a spike in the fever, he was diagnosed with suspected endocarditis and we ended up back in the hospital for a week. He was then sent home with a PICC line and needed 6 weeks of antibiotics. We had to have a nurse come each morning before school and we did have one clog that we ended up back in the ER for. It was a trying time, but we got through it! Since then he has been back to his normal self! We are on a yearly visit basis with his cardiologist! He is now almost 13, in 6th grade, loves video games and is a typical pre-teen!
Updated May 2020